It’s been forever

know, I know…It’s been forever since I posted and there is a little residue guilt there but not a lot because I have had so so many issues since last I wrote. But then haven’t we all. 2020 was, to put it bluntly, a shit show. And 21 is struggling to be much better.

But we can only hope it gets better and all these vaccines coming out are going to do what they promise.

I can’t help think that, in the rush to beat covid there hasn’t been enough emphasise on the long term effects of the vaccines.

Is that because I have read far to many apocalypse genre books? Possibly but having several autoimmune diseases I am a bit wary of anything that I don’t know enough about.

Anyway enough depressing stuff. What new hobbies did you take up during lockdown?

I already have so many crafting hobbies but I added a few, cardmaking left me with dozens of cards that I now have enough cards for birthdays and Christmas for years to come lol. Bullet journaling is confusing but at least it’s useful and I can use a lot of the paper crafting products I have from scrapbooking for the last 16 years, as well as the many many pens I have. I can never resist buying nice pens so I have boxes of various types of markers and pens. I am a sucker for pretty pens lol.

Lockdown gave me a lot of time to do my favorite hobby, reading. I abused my poor kindle that I ended up buying a new one lol. I have so many books that need to be reviewed. I have jumped from author to author and will be bringing some reviews very shortly.

I want thank new subscriber Colorful Sisters for reminding me of the commitment I made to this blog. I have been neglectful of my poor wee blog and my subscribers. I shall endeavor to correct that.

Watch this space for book reviews and glimpses into the life of this broken kiwi.

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